Monday, June 24, 2013

Recovery Period for my Recovery Period

What a weekend/Monday. Between finishing our model, spending my first weekend in Copenhagen, and presenting our model, it has been all a blur. One that has me ready for a recovery period. Which will probably need a recovery period of its own. But I'll let you be the judge of that. I decided to continue with the day format because it will help me ensure I don't leave anything out and, when looking back at this 10 years from now, I will know exactly what I did each day.

Day 6 (Friday, June 21)

Friday was studio at 8:30am. Stopped my Saint Peter's bakery (the one we found yesterday) and got the most amazing chocolate croissant for only 15dkk (less than $3). Best way to start an early studio morning!

Studio, studio, studio

Lunch was eaten at Illum, a large department store very similar to Macy's. I had packed a lunch, so I just had another ham and cheese on flatbread. But my friends Andrew, Morgan, Tessa, and Abby as got something.

Then after lunch, ran my bike to the shop and got my tires filled up. He told me if they were flat again by the next day, I would need them patched. I'm become a valued customer at this shop...

After a quick run home to pick up a change of clothes for later, it was back to studio to continue working on the model. Despite the fact that we have been stuck in studio for a lot of the time here, my group and the others in our studio have been really fun to get to hang out with. They've only made me cry a few times...

Walked to Netto with my Robert and Alli to grab supplies for dinner before heading over to Kennikastraed 13 (their apartment) to cook shrimp alfredo. Andrew came over as well. Lots of fun cooking and eating. The apartment next door was having a get together, so we went downstairs to meet the neighbors. After a boisterous time, we were off to experience more Copenhagen nightlife. Several places into the night, I got a text from Alli telling me she wanted to tell me a story. It had not been the best night, and I was looking for any excuse to leave the tension in the group I was in.

We decided to walk and watch the sun rise after the shorted night of the year. We headed for the harbor across from the Opera House. Unfortunately it was cloudy, so all we could do was watch the clouds get brighter. Sometimes, a good friend and a 5am walk are just what you need.

Day 7 (Saturday, June 22)

Slept in. Til 11am. (For Copenhagen that's late)

Finally got out of bed and headed into town. Lots of plans were made and lots of people were scattered, but finally rounded up a group of 4 and headed to the Opera House to watch the Red Bull Cliff Diving Challenge. The roof of the Opera House reaches out over the harbor and they build a platform to allow the divers to get even further into the water. Then, contestant (this is like a pro circuit that travels world wide) dive 28 meters (92 feet) into the harbor below. It is a pretty intense competition. The thing that struck me the most was the fact that despite the thousands crowding the harbor, you could hear a pin drop whenever a diver was preparing to jump. The other thing that struck me was how chill the crowd was. Everyone was having a great time just hanging out. Nobody was being rowdy and everyone was enjoying the beautiful weather. I LOVE the Danes!

We walked back through Amalienborg to see if we could go inside the Marble Church. It was closed for a wedding, but as we were about the leave, the bells began to ring. What a beautiful sound we rarely hear in America anymore.We listened for a bit then began back to studio.

WE FINISHED OUR MODEL!!! After a lot of hard work, we finally completed the model (it isn't due for 2 days). Earliest I've finished a model in a  long time. These hours in studio only involved one instance of crying, although this one did end up with me in the fetal position under the table. But that's another story...

One more trip home to exchange clothes then back to Kennikastraede for dinner. This time it was hamburgers with fries. Yum.

Then out again. This time was a bit calmer. Only stopped at two places and three of us left early. I stayed on the couch and got a decent amount of sleep, a first since getting off the plane!

Day 8 (Sunday, June 23)

The only problem about sleeping in the city on a Saturday was waking up on Sunday morning to a chorus of church bells. While it was melodious, it was extrememly loud in the morning. Also, they have to sweep the streets in the morning because Danes tend to make a mess of the streets overnight... Thus, what could have been a few more hours of sleep turned into up at 10am. This was okay, as I needed a to get some sketching done.

I sketched a few squared (Frue Plads and the square around the Rudentaard [Round Tower]) and then headed home. I was so tired. So I napped. But I couldn't stay in this night. It was a huge holiday for the Scandinavian countries, Mid Summer's Night Eve. I don't know all the details of the tradition, but I do know they build bonfires all over the country (the beach we went to had 5 in sight) and burn them. Traditionally, they burned witches, but a witch hasn't been burned since the late 1600s.

We met a bunch of DIS people on Amager Beach, south of the city. Everything, and I mean everything, came together for this night. The rain held off. The clouds opened, allowing the most beautiful sunset. A giant rainbow stretching to Sweden made an appearance. Plus, we were on the beach! A great way to end the weekend, chilling with friend and the Danes. This was my first Metro (subway) experience in Copenhagen and I must say I was impressed. Smooth ride, no drivers, and a mesmerizing view down the tunnel out the front of the train.

Day 9 (Monday, June 24)

Review Day. My group met in studio at 8, then moved our models a block over to the review site. To spare you the details and to spare myself from reliving it, it was 4 hours or presenting, listening to presentation, and utter chaos. But overall, our presentations went excellent and everyone liked our model and analysis. Check! Also, everyone else's work was astounding as well. Quick reference, there are approx 200 students in teh AD (Arch and Desing) program.

When we went to put our models away, we noticed the studio we were in had a door out to a balcony. A bit of exploring and we discovered we were 5 stories above the Strøget, feeling like VIPs in a penthouse. Pictures and plans for future endeavors in that space ensued.

Lunch at McDonald's (I know, I'm disappointed in myself)

Then, took the bike to the shop to get it fixed.

Quick run home to change into shorts, then back to sketch more on the squares.

5pm rolled around and my bike was good as new. Finally got to ride more than 3 blocks and joined my friends from K13 for a ride to the Church of our Saviour (I will refer to it as the Spiral Tower). This is a church with a 290 foot tall spire that you can climb to the top of. The top of the spire has an exterior spiral staircase, which gives it the spiral shape. Don't do it if you hate heights, have vertigo, are claustrophobic, or hate fun. It offers unrivaled views of the city and a unique climbing experience.

As we climbing back down, the bells started to ring. Three of my friends were approaching on of the bells (separated by a barricade) to see if it was going to ring. It did, loudly. I've never seen three people so synchronized while scrambling back, wide eyed. Basically the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Anyway...

After that we ventured into Christiania. I won't go into too much detail, I'll let you look up what that area is... I can say that it was a fascinating trip and I got to eat this roasted beef stuff called shwarma. So good.

The perfect ending to this amazing day was achived when I was finally able to bike home along Nørrebrogade, the main biking street in my neighborhood. It is a 4km ride (around 2.5 miles) and words cannot even describe the feeling biking along the wide bike lanes gave me. This street is Denmarks most used bike street with over 25,000 daily bicyclists utilizing it to reach the center city. There is a counter on the bridge over the lakes into the city that counts the number of daily bikers and total number of bikers who have passed that point. I think I was in the 29,000s for the day. Finally seeing all my neighborhood has to offer, the shops, restaurants, parks, and the Danes gave me a renewed enthusiasm for this city that I didn't think was possible. I have never been more proud of being able to call myself a resident of Copenhagen, even if it is just for 7 weeks. Hopefully, that continues to grow.

Time for bed. Goodnight, and adeu, adeu, to you and you and you...

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