Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Copenhagen Prep

I really hope I post more when I'm in Copenhagen, I really do. This trip is the whole reason I started this blog. At the rate, I am set to post once while in Denmark and once shortly after I return. But I am going to light a fire under my butt and my goal is a post a week. Pictures may or may not accompany them, because I am planning on taking thousands (I mean that literally) so they may take a month to sort through. Sorry, brain surge.

Musings for my prep for Copenhagen:

First, here's what I'm doing--for those who don't know. (I act like I have an army of followers) I am traveling to Copenhagen, Denmark for 7 weeks to study architorture. I will be taking a studio and a lecture based course and will spend 3 days touring greater Denmark as well as a week in Norway and Sweden (total, not each). My roommate is traveling with me, but we are not living together. In fact, we are on opposite sides of the city. But that means more time to explore the city. Okay, that's the background.

-I can never take one trip to the store. A mall/Blick-run is like a design project. It cannot be completed in one fell swoop, but takes many attempts, many iterations, each building on the last. H&M will always be there, money in your bank account will not. Thus, make smart purchases, start small and build your way up.

-Danes wear dark colors in a mostly neutral pallet. Most of the clothes I own and have bought for the trip are bright and colorful... At least I'm tall and blonde, like a Dane. Maybe they'll think I was involved in some sort of clothing factory accident where the sewing machines exploded and plastered me with colored threads.

-I have far too many Xacto knives. I could arm a small village.

-Choosing which arch supplies to bring along is like choosing which of my children is my favorite.

-Good pencils are expensive (yes you can spend $40 on pencils)

-I HATE folding/pairing socks, especially when the new socks I bought look very similar to ones I already own. So many pairs that aren't pairs!

-A strange mix of excitement, anticipation, and nervousness leaves me physically exhausted at the end of the day. That or I am just really out of shape and running 5K is too much for my feeble self.

-Will I need Q-tips? Will I need dress shoes? Will I need an extra stick of deodorant?

-Yes I spent 3 hours on my hands and knees scrubbing the bathroom floor and tub with bleach. Oh the things I do to return to a clean apartment. (I did stop once my reflection in the mirror began talking back to me)

-Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Okay, my coffee is beginning to wear off and my parents arrive tomorrow morning. That means bedtime and morning run. Prepare yourself for the awesomeness that is to come, or at least the musings of my mispronunciation of Danish words. Until then, keep on keepin on.

Refer to this video if you don't understand the last point.

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