Saturday, June 16, 2012

Random Rant

Okay. So random rant.

This is the Education Sciences Building at the University of Minnesota.

This is the view from the Education Sciences Building at the University Of Minnesota.

WHY do the education students get (arguably) the best view of downtown from campus?! And why do they get one of the best reno jobs on campus for their offices?! Okay, so we get Rapson Hall, with an addition designed by Steven Holl, so I can get over the building. But the view... I simply cannot get over. This is an inspiring look at the city we live in, all the design it encompasses, and the reason we, as designers, do what we do: to make a city that can be proud of its skyline, its riverfront, its urban core. The river, inspiring so much design, flowing like a slick ribbon through the picture. Bridges span the valley, bridging the gap from here to there, bringing the skyline forth into almost touchable reach. The mills, representing the reason this city is here today, standing proudly along the river. The skyscrapers, showcasing Minneapolis's place among the great skylines of the country, rise silently behind. This picture shows every way in which design can bring a small milling town into a thriving metropolis of the 21st century.

This is why this view is so very inspiring to a design mind like mine. So why the heck do the education students get it?

(Yes, I am seeing green)

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