Sunday, September 9, 2012

I'm Back...

I'm really bad at blogging... But you know that. I know that all 2 of you who read this didn't hold you breath since the last post, but I will do my best to keep this thing going this semester. My life gets much more interesting during the semester anyway.

A quick update on how my semester looks:

Senior Student Manager = 17 hours of work a week
17 credits in the Bachelor of Design in Architecture (BDA) Program = 11 hours of class per week, increasing to 16.5 hours per week in October
Field Staff Lead for the UofM Marching Band = 8 hours of rehearsal per week plus 10 hour gamedays
Gold Pep Band = playing at every men's basketball game this season

Busy? Yes. Having the time of my life? Yes.

In my spare time, I am trying to make my new apartment a home, along with my roommate. My crowning achievement of the past week was figuring out how to install my cable and internet in one night. It involved a trip to Home Depot, an hour and a half with my dad and I arguing on speaker phone, and my adrenaline pumping when I finally got it at 10:30. I wasn't able to sleep that night, I was too pumped up.

That is all for today. Homework for tomorrow is done, $15 fountain is assembled and trickling away, and my bed is calling to me. This is going to be an interesting semester, and I'm excited to take you along for the ride. Bon voyage.

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